Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year!

As I look to 2011, I am looking to the encouragement I can be for dads and thinking of this discussion schedule!

  • Mondays - Marriage Mondays - Jill and I together will discuss marital topics!
  • Tuesdays - Self - Discussing developing ourselves physically, spiritually, mentally and emotionally!
  • Wednesdays - Parenting - Discussing parenting topics!
  • Thursdays -  Friends - Discussing building healthy friendships!
    Friday - Quotes - Discussing thoughts and statements that have influence!
  • Weekend - Spiritual - Discussing our spiritual lives and deepening our relationship with God!

Dads, I am taking this journey with you! I am praying and anticipating great things in our marriages, self, parenting, friendships and relationships with God!

Happy New Year!!!!!