My oldest daughter, Anne, is due to have her first child and our first grandchild in 3-4 weeks. I am absolutely excited about being a pappaw.
Truthfully, I am also overwhelmed or awed. I look at Anne and in my heart still lurks that little girl, who loves adventure, who is strong, who helped build our house, who would love to go to Menard's with her daddy, who is creative, who paved the way for her brothers and sisters. These are just a few of the memories stored in my heart.
I also can remember my personal immaturity as a dad. I made so many mistakes. In many ways, I was a child father raising a child. I marvel at how much I didn't know as a father and even more amazing is how incredible she is.
Navigating fatherhood is tough. Mostly I think this is true because we are maturing right alongside of our children. Here are a few lesssons I can think of that I learned over time.
- Be the parent. Our job is to be the parent. Our kids need this authority. My job is not to be their friend. As our children mature friendship happens naturally.
- Stay calm. Our kids need us to be calm and stable in the midst of conflict, challenges, discipline, correction, coaching and influencing. They need our calm in the midst of their storms.
- Admit your faults. Our kids are deeply influenced by our willingness to admit when we are wrong and to ask for their forgiveness.
- Look for teachable moments. Like me I usually realize this was a teachable moment after the fact. I have learned that you can go back to your child and teach to that moment.
- Give your kids room for adventure. Our kids need room in their lives and schedules to play, to be creative, to adventure, to fail. Important life lessons happen here.
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