Thursday, January 20, 2011

Friendship Takes Courage

Men’s friendships are not talked about nearly as often as women’s friendships, but that doesn’t change the truth.  We all are created to live life in relationship with other people. 

If we never saw our parents invest in adult friendships, it’s very likely that we don’t know where to start when it comes to building friendships as men.
In pursuing friendship, I have have found this to be true. Uncomfortable is an ok place to be. Most of us will feel a bit uncomfortable when we take the risk of a deeper conversation. Once I realized that building friendships takes courage, I put on my courage and pushed through uncomfortable.

Guys, What makes you uncomfortable in pursuing friendships? Some statements I have heard over time are this:
  • I don't really have time...
  • I don't really need anyone else...
  • I have my family, or my wife...
  • Where would I even begin?
Maybe you have said similar statements? What would your statements be?

Another reason for discomfort might be our own fear to really be ourselves.  I have learned that genuine friendship requires everyone to really be themselves.

Guys, I sincerely hope that as you consider friendship, you will gather your courage and push through uncomfortable.  You are worth it!


Tom said...

Great blog for dads. I found you through the book Living with less so your family has more that I reviewed for my blog
I will be recommending your blog to others. Thanks.