Thursday, January 13, 2011

the power of friendship

I have really grown to value my guy friends! In meeting with countless guys, the issue, longing and disappointments of friendship always seem to raise up. Like everyone, I have been disappointed in a friendship in which I truly thought we were friends. I am sure that I too have been a disappointment to other men who thought we were friends.

I have had many guys in my life want something from me, but in actuality they didn't want friendship.  It was one sided. Genuine friendship is two-sided and living.  Soooo, I have been mulling over what I believe to make up strong friendships. I wanted to dialog with you about my ideas and hear your thoughts as well. My friendship values are this:

  1. NEED ME- I need male friends. Women do not make good guy friends. 
  2. PURSUE ME - I want to be pursued by my friend and I am sure they want me to pursue them as well. I mean giving one another a call, stopping by, and staying in touch with one another
  3. HEAR ME - I want to spend time with my friend, want him to hear me and want to hear him.  I want to be able to talk about the good and the bad.
  4. HONEST TO ME - I want my friend to be honest with me and challenge me.
  5. ACCEPT ME - I want my friend to accept me as I am, challenge me, but still accept me.
  6. SIMILAR INTERESTS - I like to play! Guys are big kids! I want my friend to like similar things as me and vice versa.
How about you guys? What are your personal friendship values? Let's talk about this!
